tec: You are such a friendly person I feel bad posting, the golden rule, but if you think about it, the golden rule can be very immoral, I could go to your house and kill your family but you won't do a thing, because of the golden rule, Now that is immoral.
You are presupposing that Christianity came from Christ, what are you basing that on? If you say the bible then your argument is illogical, if you say god spoke to you then you don't really know if it was god, it could be Satan pretending like he did with Eve/Adam, or you are delusional, hey you wouldn't be a first, there are people making all sorts of claims from Allah to Buddha and aliens.
What about the Ten Commandments tec? You pick and choose what to discuss? Well in psychology that is called confirmation bias.
It does matter that the letters were written in Greek, because we do not have the originals, being so what we have could be forged, edited or completely made up. The level of education matters as well as the vocal tradition has a natural tendency to alter a story when its passed from person to person, its Chinese whispers at a greater scale. The contradictions matter as well because it shows that the presupposed authors of the letters being passed from church to church, all had a different understandings of Jesus and his message, for example before Jesus closes his eyes at the cross did a concerned and depressed Jesus say "Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?" and then died or did a positive Jesus say "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." and then died ? This isn't even scratching the surface of incoherence’s and yet somehow I have to make sense of all this, spend an a lifetime to find the right Christian domination, or listen to you? which you are neither a prophet or an apostle (which ironically the bible warns of)?
Neither you or Kassan are correct in saying that, the fact is that you completely disregard what I wrote, seek Jewish sources of information, not seek Christian sources of Jewish information, I will not entertain this notion anymore, the fact you do not understand the Hebrew translation of the word messiah (yes, the Christian version you do, which not one Hebrew speaking person will agree with you), and that the old testament does not even speak of Jesus, yet Christians borrow a page from the Jehovah’s Whitenesses speaking where the bible is silent.
God bless.